Chavez: 10 years in power
The obsession dates can not see the process in context. Yeah well, there are ten (10) years after the adoption of the Constitution, can not lose sight of the overall dynamics of socio-political setting. 1st place, all this is framed within a broader process of depletion of the forms of politics that prevailed from the 2nd half of the twentieth century. It is an approach that emphasizes the "virtue" of systems of political representation, through which it takes "necessary" requirement of distance from citizen participation, by restricting only upon election. It is no accident
observe and Latin America as a whole these forms of articulation of democratic life ended in conflict and mobilization of great weight, as happened in Caracas and Buenos Aires in the late 80's, the twentieth century. Political systems based on corporate relationships, where large pressure groups (economic, political, trade union) established partnerships on which shared the benefits of capitalist rent, could not keep that trust and forced peace and gave to their own conflicts and contradictions they generate.
In 2nd place, you can not lose sight of the fact that changes in the forms of democratic governance resulted in increased demands for direct participation of the groups. We analyze the new meaning is given to political citizenship and the concept of popular sovereignty. Increasingly became more common in the final years of the twentieth century, the demands of increased opportunities for coordination and participation. The resistance factor to this requirement speaks the emergence of the phenomenon of "anti" as a rejection of forms of representation of the historical parties.
In 3rd place, the disastrous effects of neoliberal economic system settings and architecture of the National Government is another element that explains the historical changes generated. These three (3) briefly mentioned dynamics are significant for understanding the socio-political setting that comes with the Constituent Assembly in Venezuela. On the other hand, we can not fail to note the impact that the constitutional process in Colombia in 1991. It is understood that kicks off what is called the New Latin American constitutionalism, which proposes that the constitutions bodies are not perfect and immutable over time, instead must be adjusted periodically to allow its adaptation to social change processes. In our case, the Constitution sealed a historic lack of rights that had since independence. Processes linked to three unsolved problems, such as access to property, the issue of political participation and real equality in society, are treated in the Constitution of 1999 and have allowed a very significant dynamic in the development of citizenship.
must not fail to note, that this process of socio-political adjustment was possible due to the articulation of a speech change, embodied in the figure of Chávez with expectations of improvement of a population whose strata D and E, came to become the key constituency in the Venezuelan political process. The capacity of the Chavez speech, to articulate these demands is what has made possible his stay in power, so look closely at the discontented citizens expressing over such issues as quality of life, the lack of response to their demands The slowness of the state apparatus should be called a warning to those who are aligned on the side of the Bolivarian revolution.
Ten years later, the commitment to the construction and articulation of a society that really changed conditions of appropriation and exploitation of man by man, remains the driving force behind the reflection, but in the meantime has been articulating a dangerous sector for the continuation of this process: the Bolibourgeoisie. It is the reformer who was dressed in red and takes advantage of his condition, is the official bureaucrat, the deputy who is not accountable to their constituents, so is the danger of more of the same. Ten years later we have to think about what can and what has been, to do so is to assume the title of the statement by Trotsky in his work of 1936: The Revolution Betrayed.
Dr. Juan Eduardo Romero
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