February has been in the history of Venezuela a month of change, mobilization and conflict. In February 1936, occurs in the country a series of socio-political mobilizations which open the debate about civil rights and social change in the institutional development Venezuelan State.
In February, a set of forces and social movements are mobilized to demand a change of direction in shaping the institutions and the mobilization in response to President Eleazar López Contreras made public the so-called February Program, which can be considered the 1st Program modern politics in the country. There are incorporated themes that even today, almost 100 years later, are still under discussion and analysis by political actors: health, education, labor rights, respect for law, public works. Finally, elements of the policy agenda on which the media debate, the state and its institutions.
February 1936, creates the foundation for socio-political modernization and deepening the public debate. A little over half a century later, in February 1989, is generated in the country one of the strongest expressions of civil disobedience, when understood as a break and challenge the system of rules and regulations imposed by the state through the use of various methods, not always coercive. The social explosion in February 1989 was an expression of exhaustion of a model of corporate relations, where the factors of agglomerates in the structure of trade unions, business groups, political figures and others, refused to lose their privileges and progress in resolving of the problems of social exclusion and socio-economic imbalance. February 1989 was a dawn in what was to happen, but his footsteps were not heard.
In February 1992, namely a dynamic military and civilian article seeks political change through the use of arms. That action was a consequence of the lack of alternative ways of resolving the conflict that had emerged consistently in February 1989. The civilian-military movement led by Hugo Chávez, while failure to achieve its military objectives, opened the way to an intense debate about the quality of democracy and governance conditions sistema político venezolano.
En febrero de 1992, se produjo una ruptura de la unidad interna de las elites políticas venezolanas. El discurso de Rafael Caldera, en el Congreso Nacional fue una muestra de las desavenencias surgidas en lo interno del status quo del sistema democrático. Las posiciones de actores políticos como Aristóbulo Izturiz, en representación del partido Causa Radical, y la articulación de su planteamiento con las expectativas de cambio de los colectivos sociales fue otra clara demostración del agotamiento del modelo de conciliación política impuesto desde 1958.
La articulación de enormes sectores sociales, políticos y económicos con las propuestas de los militares insurgentes en 1992, noted the real possibility of change in a program initially discussed and gradually expanded their view of Venezuelan society. In February 1999, reached after the election victory in December last year, President Hugo Chavez signed the decree in Council of Ministers convened a National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) designed to reshape the political and institutional deeply. The formation of the Constituent Assembly and the subsequent drafting of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Constitution) began an unstoppable momentum that allowed for the reconfiguration of the State, which had been progressively dismantled under the logic of neoliberal adjustment.
changes driven by the decree of convocation, generated a political and constitutional debate of great importance about the possibilities for political society to bring about change in constitutional law, designed to respond to the change process. These changes promoted in February 2002 generated violent expression of the sectors opposed to the dynamics of political change and ended with the events of April 2002. In February 2003, the unnatural alliance economic groups-workers (Fedecámaras-CTV) plunged the population in conditions of poverty and insecurity, that only the will of one's social overcame collective. In February 2009, after 10 years of coming to power, initiating a new dynamic of institutional change that has its central theme Amendment.
Dr. Juan Eduardo Romero
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