Buenaventura SA de CV Technologies
Our approach is geared to help improve the productivity of your company through asset systems, point of sale, inventory, treasury, foreign trade, medical record, attendance control, surveys and admissions tests and evaluation.
handle on Windows platforms (EC, 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP and 2003), Linux, Palm Computing, Pocket PC and the Internet.
Within our specialty we have abilities to scan documents and images.
also can make links between computer applications with which you may have problems of integration.
Control System Fixed Assets
The best tool to control their operational investments.
comprehensive system to control the physical and financial control, accounting and tax fixed assets and the valuation thereof and the costs and events that occur during their administration. Manage
relevant information for both computer equipment and machinery and transport equipment (documentation, insurance, maintenance, parts, configurations, leases, etc.).
is made up of two sub systems, one that is installed on a PC or PCS network and one that is installed on a laptop to do the lifting of the inventory.
Capabilities extraordinary for the export and import files.
This system, properly implemented will allow it to be fully reconciled with physical inventory document inventory and depreciation accounting numbers and re-expression. This allows you to know at the time you want as your investments are worth today, in the past and future and avoid loss or misplacement of the same.
addition, the system allows you to keep updated online where assets are assigned, those in charge and how much is the amount of liability assigned.
Capture and Removal System Fixed Assets Inventory
Program developed on the Palm, where you capture and record fixed asset inventories.
Scaf System Linked directly, but may have links to other systems easily. Add
tag information, departments, officers, descriptions of assets, economic numbers and physical location of assets.
If the equipment used is Motorola, the system allows the reading of bar code labels.
System Fast Sellers "for the Sales Force
oriented system for sellers, through Palm handheld computers, raise your orders, information collection, new customers and market research and transmitted over normal telephone or cell phone.
By the same means can receive information about inventory, backorders, sales, frozen products, statements, track your sales quotas, sales statistics by product and client family.
The system is integrated into their existing billing system.
Reduce the sales cycle and collection.
Reduce duplication of work, and that direct capture by the seller and the transmission of information, avoids send written orders, those orders are captured and taken to verify manually.
Reduce the incidence of errors in the order dispensed.
Reduce inventory days needed to fill orders.
By reducing turnaround time, improves customer service, increase inventory turns and thus improving profitability and competitiveness of the company.
System Fast Sellers "for Internet
pages whose purpose is to give a series of tools for people who purchase over the Internet can learn all about the company, know about their news, raise orders, to know about jobs and learn about its distribution centers.
Unlike other electronic trading schemes, with this system you can integrate the information collected on their orders to their billing system, automatically, without needing to be re capturing the information that arrives via e-mail.
addition, this mechanism automatically updates pages through schemes of direct connection to your business application or ERP.
For this reason, and base the operation of the web in database schemes, your information is protected and safe, safe from any intrusion by hackers, because the pages are generated automatically time for the netizens to access them.
"Fast-Seller" their solution to completely manage your sales
Combining the solution for your sales force mobile Internet solution, you may have a tool that can make highly competitive global world.
will achieve dramatically reduce order cycles assortment, inventory turnover and thereby improving their cash availability.
dispensed will eliminate errors in ordering.
Improve company image with customers and the general public.
give them access to new customers more easily.
will improve the quantity and quality of information on what your competition is up, allowing you to make decisions as to improve the positioning of their products on the market.
By systematizing the process of soliciting orders, eliminates human intervention in the process of transfer orders to the billing
Inventory Control System
This system enables the effective control of inventory inputs and outputs.
allows control equipment, spare parts, consumables, stationery and such perishable goods (goods, food, etc.).
Allows to capture local and departmental voucher to apply for exit of goods. Multi
takes control of the first count of the inventory, the second count and compares those counts against book inventory differences generated its own expense.
Generates reports received vouchers, vouchers outstanding stock, inventory movement, kardex store current and historical maximum and minimum consumption statistics by product family and departments, suggested orders, transfer sets, suggesting pending transfers, goods by stock, requests per item. Additionally, if you wish, we will include modules control lists locations, empty locations, list of equipment, equipment return pending, access log, equipment maintenance-free life of maintenance policies (modules are ready).
has the facility to import and export information, and through a Symbol Palm Computer, lifting the physical inventory of stores and integrate the Kardex.
This system handles barcode readers via keyboard wedge type.
Lift System
Physical Inventory System developed for the Palm Pilot where, with the help of a computer model Symbol SPT 1500, can lift a real stock data products and materials handling. Fully
communicated with inventory control system we sell, but can also be linked to inventory control system you may have. Manage
automated reading bar code
Assist Control System. Add
entrances, exits, entrances and exits to eat hospital food. Identifies
has the ability to import information from their payroll system. Export
assistance data (attendance, tardiness, absences, leave, holidays, early departures, authorizations, justifications, shift changes, overtime, double and triple overtime to the existing payroll system of your company). Generate output
passes. Controls
Unitech is connected with computer to record entries and exits of personnel automatically. Manage
staff attendance records. Controls
personal documentation.
can handle multiple clocks at a time.
the system is connected to the network devices from your computer and readers can be seen from the Internet (if desired),
System administration is performed centrally.
Treasury System Controls
inflows and outflows of both national currency and foreign currency. Multi
companies. Multi
Generate and print checks.
has ties to the accounting system of your company.
Manages the accounting classification check movements automatically. Controls
interest generated by the treasury operation. Performs reconciliations
both in local and foreign currency, and such reconciliations done either by importing the files generated in the banking system or through scanning and intelligent recognition of movements using printed documents.
System Digitization and Management Examination Surveys.
has a database of surveys and tests generated.
has the ability to use any type of scanner.
Climbing information, digital information is compared against the expected answers, and based on these determined results.
can handle psycho metric tests.
metric is to apply to surveys.
generates statistics on average results, standard deviations, place of origin and any user-defined variable. Generates
results related graphics.
The user can define the parameters is performed the lifting of survey data or survey.
Contact us at:
Finance Acambay # 12 Colonia Prado Coapa
Mexico DF CP 14350 Tel 55 56718731